Friday, June 10, 2005

Disneyland Recap

Ok, so let’s recap our Disney vacation. This log lists all the rides we went on and all of the highlights for each family member, including one absolute favorite about the trip.

Attractions Recap

Thanks to Ridemax, we were able to enjoy a total of 62 rides, shows, and attractions during our 4 day visit, split fairly evenly over the four days as follows:

  • Day 1: 14 attractions
  • Day 2: 19 attractions
  • Day 3: 16 attractions
  • Day 4: 13 attractions
We were able to do every single attraction at Disneyland and California Adventure except for those that the kids didn't measure up to, or those few which we simply did not want to do. A full list of rides is below.

Highlight Recap

So what was the favorite thing for each family member? Here’s how we answered that question:

  • Raymond: Goofy’s Bounce House
  • Amelia: Alice in Wonderland
  • Mommy: Watching the kids enjoy the parks so much.
  • Daddy: Aladdin - The Musical
A full list of highlights for each family member can be found below.

The following is the full list of attractions:

Day 1

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Astro Orbiter

Star Tours

Jungle Cruise

Enchanted Tiki Room

Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters

Honey, I Shrunk the Audience

Tarzan’s Treehouse

Disneyland Railroad

Snow White: An Enchanted Musical

Mark Twain Riverboat

Pirates of the Caribbean

Mad Tea Party

Remember… Dreams Come True

Day 2

Matterhorn Bobsleds

Peter Pan’s Flight

Pinocchio’s Daring Journey

Snow White’s Scary Adventures

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

King Arthur Carrousel


Small World


Jumping Jellyfish

Sun Wheel

King Triton’s Carousel

Mulholland Madness

Grizzly River Run

Muppet Vision 3-D

Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train

Francis’ Ladybug Boogie

Tuck ‘n Rolls Drive ‘em Buggies

Flik’s Flyers

Day 3

Alice in Wonderland

Storybook Land Canal Boats

Casey Jr. Train Ride

Haunted Mansion

Splash Mountain

The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin

Gadget’s Go Coaster

Goofy’s Bounce House

Playhouse Disney

Parade of Dreams


Block Party Bash

Star Tours

Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters

Remember… Dreams Come True

Day 4

Alice in Wonderland

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

Pinocchio’s Daring Journey

Snow White’s Scary Adventures

Peter Pan’s Flight

Grizzly River Run

Sun Wheel (Inner Gondola)

Soarin’ Over California

Tom Sawyer’s Island

Pirates of the Carribean

Mickey’s House

Goofy’s Bounce House

Small World

Here are the major highlights of the trip:

Raymond’s Highlights

Alice in Wonderland


Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Goofy’s Bounce House

Muppet Vision 3-D

Remember… Dreams Come True

Spinning on the Tea Cups

Amelia’s Highlights:

Alice in Wonderland

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Eating Cotton Candy

Grizzly River Run

Peter Pan’s Flight

Remember… Dreams Come True (Fireworks)

Shopping for souvenirs

Mommy’s Highlights:


Muppet Vision 3-D

Pirates of the Caribbean

Seeing the kids as they entered the park

Small World

Soaring over California

Splash Mountain and Storybook Land Canal Boats

Daddy’s Highlights


Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster

Grizzly River Run

Haunted Mansion

Peter Pan’s Flight

Snow White: An Enchanted Musical

Watching Raymond finally feeling comfortable at Disneyland


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