Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Day 3 - Afternoon


Having finished up nearly every attraction that we wanted to do, we decided that the afternoon would be well spent enjoying some of the entertainment. Contrary to the way Disneyland used to operate, the logistics for watching the entertainment can be even more difficult than the rides. The wait time for entertainment can be much more excessive than even some of the worst rides. In fact, we spent most of the afternoon and evening watching two parades, one musical, and the fireworks. But, these are all so incredibly well done, that it was certainly worth the wait.

Afternoon Attractions

Parade of Dreams

  • Amelia: “There were floats and more floats. I saw three princesses on one float. That was probably because it was a ball float.”
  • Mommy: “Amazed by some of the acrobatics in it.”
  • Daddy: “I was glad that we got a curbside view right in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. All of the parade characters were so close!”
  • Raymond: “I just loved it.”


  • Mommy: “It was quite a production. It was longer than I thought it would be.”
  • Daddy: “The set was exquisite, the genie hilarious, and the music wonderful.”
  • Raymond: “I just loved to watch the gold lamp. I thought the genie was funny.”
  • Amelia: “I saw Aladdin the musical. It was very neat. There was even a flying carpet that really flew.”

Block Party Bash

  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun.”
  • Amelia: “I got to dance up in front. I saw the Incredibles”
  • Mommy: “I enjoyed watching Amelia dance.”
  • Daddy: “It was fun to watch Amelia dance, but the action, music, and colors were intensely busy. I felt like the kids were way overloaded afterwards.”

Star Tours

  • Raymond: “I still don’t think so.”
  • Amelia: “It was very neat. Good thing I went, because it refreshened my memories.”
  • Mommy: “Glad to give it a pass this time.”
  • Daddy: “It’s neat how they simulate the movement, but it didn’t do a whole lot for me.”

Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters

  • Daddy: “65,000 points… not bad… not bad at all!”
  • Raymond: “I shoot all the bad guys.”
  • Amelia: “It was fun again. It was really nice. I beat Mommy.”
  • Mommy: “Fun, but my aim was off.”

Remember… Dreams Come True

  • Raymond: “I got lots of fun.”
  • Amelia: “I saw Tinker Bell flying in the air. It was a real person.”
  • Mommy: “I enjoyed it better from the rooftop of our hotel last night.”
  • Daddy: “Tinker Bell didn’t fly on Monday night, so that was a special treat. It was every bit as exciting as it was the first time.”

Highlight of the afternoon

  • Raymond: Remember… Dreams Come True
  • Amelia: Shopping for souvenirs
  • Mommy: Aladdin
  • Daddy: Aladdin


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