Friday, June 10, 2005

Day 4


We spent our final day at Disneyland. We had no real structure to the morning, but rather went around hitting some of our favorite rides, as well as picking up some others that had small waits. We were really glad that we had this extra day to round out our Disney adventure, as there were a couple of things that we hadn’t had a chance to do that we really enjoyed.

Leaving the park was certainly a bittersweet experience for us, as we were sad that it had to end, but were certainly ready to be on our way home, since the last few days have been quite tiring.


Alice in Wonderland

  • Raymond: “I loved it again, and again, and again.”
  • Amelia: “I loved it. It was my favorite one.”
  • Mommy: “I was glad we got to do this one again since the kids loved it so much.”
  • Daddy: “I actually saw Alice this time. Mommy had to point her out to me though.”

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

  • Raymond: “I just loved it. I hit the bricks and train.”
  • Amelia: “I saw letters ‘Boom’, ‘Bang’, ‘Bam’. And the lights went off and on quick.”
  • Mommy: “Definitely wild, but fun.”
  • Daddy: “I really like watching Raymond drive Mr. Toad’s car, and he really loves crashing it into everything.”

Pinocchio’s Daring Journey

  • Daddy: “I liked it.”
  • Raymond: “Pinocchio was very nice. He danced with puppets.”
  • Amelia: “I saw him locked in a cage.”
  • Mommy: “One of the original rides and fun too.”

Snow White’s Scary Adventures

  • Mommy: “We managed to hit this both times before the crowds, it is a fun ride, but you have to get there early.”
  • Daddy: “Clever how the Wicked Stepmother turns into the old hag.”
  • Raymond: “I’m afraid of the Wicked Witch.”
  • Amelia: “I saw the Wicked Witch peek through the curtain. She saw me.”

Peter Pan’s Flight

  • Raymond: “Peter Pan fought the pirates.”
  • Amelia: “I loved the stars. I like it.”
  • Mommy: “Worth the wait.”
  • Daddy: “I really like that it is a suspended ride to give you the sensation of riding. I can certainly understand why it is one of the most popular Fantasyland rides.”

Grizzly River Run

  • Amelia: “I spun around and around and down a waterfall. The lady let us go twice.”
  • Mommy: “We were soaked since we went through this twice in a row.”
  • Daddy: “Since there were just four of us in our raft, instead of 8 like last time, there was more bounce, and we got soaked as a result. I like the water rides.”
  • Raymond: “Scary fun, because I went down, down a waterfall.”

Sun Wheel (Inner Gondola)

  • Daddy: “Ok, that was freaky… Ferris wheels are not supposed to swing that much.”
  • Raymond: “I was afraid to fall, but I didn’t.”
  • Amelia: “Freaky fun.”
  • Mommy: “Where are the seatbelts?”

Soarin’ Over California

  • Raymond: “I saw all the towns.”
  • Amelia: “Wow! It was amazing. We flew in the benches. I got to smell the pictures, and when I was waiting, I saw a real live picture of Amelia Earhardt.”
  • Mommy: “This is one we would have done again if we had had time.”
  • Daddy: “I’m soooo glad we didn’t miss this one. As a simulator ride, it runs circles around Star Tours.”

Tom Sawyer’s Island

  • Amelia: “There were dark, scary caves that I went in.”
  • Mommy: “I don’t remember ever doing this, it was so much fun!”
  • Daddy: “I enjoyed exploring all of the caves with the kids.”
  • Raymond: “I think it was fun to go through the caves, and the treehouse, and the woods.”

Pirates of the Carribean

  • Mommy: “Raymond finally decided to not shut his eyes and enjoyed it!”
  • Daddy: “I was glad to see Raymond enjoy it more, now that he knew what to expect.”
  • Amelia: “I went down waterfalls. Splash!”
  • Raymond: “I just loved it.”

Mickey’s House

  • Mommy: “I was surprised at how extensive this place was.”
  • Daddy: “Really cute setup.”
  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun. I watched a movie.”
  • Amelia: “Fun Mickey stuff.”

Goofy’s Bounce House

  • Amelia: “Didn’t go on there, because I went there once, and I didn’t feel like it.”
  • Mommy: “Raymond loves this place.”
  • Daddy: “I was glad Raymond was able to do this again.”
  • Raymond: “I jump by anywhere.”

Small World

  • Mommy: “I had to go on this one last time.”
  • Daddy: “The appropriate way to end our Disney adventure.”
  • Raymond: “It was the greatest day in the world.”
  • Amelia: “I liked it. The end.”

Highlight of the Day

  • Raymond: Alice in Wonderland
  • Amelia: Eating Cotton Candy
  • Mommy: Soaring over California
  • Daddy: Watching Raymond finally feeling comfortable at Disneyland


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