Saturday, November 10, 2012

Webshots is History!

In order to keep our pictures up-to-date, we have moved our Webshots pictures to Imagebam.  You can continue to access pictures here:

Monday, June 20, 2005


It took a while to get all of our pictures uploaded, titled, and captioned on webshots,
but here they are:

o Disneyland (Days 1&2):
o Disneyland (Days 3&4):
o Disney California Adventure:

Friday, June 10, 2005

Disneyland Recap

Ok, so let’s recap our Disney vacation. This log lists all the rides we went on and all of the highlights for each family member, including one absolute favorite about the trip.

Attractions Recap

Thanks to Ridemax, we were able to enjoy a total of 62 rides, shows, and attractions during our 4 day visit, split fairly evenly over the four days as follows:

  • Day 1: 14 attractions
  • Day 2: 19 attractions
  • Day 3: 16 attractions
  • Day 4: 13 attractions
We were able to do every single attraction at Disneyland and California Adventure except for those that the kids didn't measure up to, or those few which we simply did not want to do. A full list of rides is below.

Highlight Recap

So what was the favorite thing for each family member? Here’s how we answered that question:

  • Raymond: Goofy’s Bounce House
  • Amelia: Alice in Wonderland
  • Mommy: Watching the kids enjoy the parks so much.
  • Daddy: Aladdin - The Musical
A full list of highlights for each family member can be found below.

The following is the full list of attractions:

Day 1

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Astro Orbiter

Star Tours

Jungle Cruise

Enchanted Tiki Room

Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters

Honey, I Shrunk the Audience

Tarzan’s Treehouse

Disneyland Railroad

Snow White: An Enchanted Musical

Mark Twain Riverboat

Pirates of the Caribbean

Mad Tea Party

Remember… Dreams Come True

Day 2

Matterhorn Bobsleds

Peter Pan’s Flight

Pinocchio’s Daring Journey

Snow White’s Scary Adventures

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

King Arthur Carrousel


Small World


Jumping Jellyfish

Sun Wheel

King Triton’s Carousel

Mulholland Madness

Grizzly River Run

Muppet Vision 3-D

Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train

Francis’ Ladybug Boogie

Tuck ‘n Rolls Drive ‘em Buggies

Flik’s Flyers

Day 3

Alice in Wonderland

Storybook Land Canal Boats

Casey Jr. Train Ride

Haunted Mansion

Splash Mountain

The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin

Gadget’s Go Coaster

Goofy’s Bounce House

Playhouse Disney

Parade of Dreams


Block Party Bash

Star Tours

Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters

Remember… Dreams Come True

Day 4

Alice in Wonderland

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

Pinocchio’s Daring Journey

Snow White’s Scary Adventures

Peter Pan’s Flight

Grizzly River Run

Sun Wheel (Inner Gondola)

Soarin’ Over California

Tom Sawyer’s Island

Pirates of the Carribean

Mickey’s House

Goofy’s Bounce House

Small World

Here are the major highlights of the trip:

Raymond’s Highlights

Alice in Wonderland


Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Goofy’s Bounce House

Muppet Vision 3-D

Remember… Dreams Come True

Spinning on the Tea Cups

Amelia’s Highlights:

Alice in Wonderland

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Eating Cotton Candy

Grizzly River Run

Peter Pan’s Flight

Remember… Dreams Come True (Fireworks)

Shopping for souvenirs

Mommy’s Highlights:


Muppet Vision 3-D

Pirates of the Caribbean

Seeing the kids as they entered the park

Small World

Soaring over California

Splash Mountain and Storybook Land Canal Boats

Daddy’s Highlights


Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster

Grizzly River Run

Haunted Mansion

Peter Pan’s Flight

Snow White: An Enchanted Musical

Watching Raymond finally feeling comfortable at Disneyland

Day 4


We spent our final day at Disneyland. We had no real structure to the morning, but rather went around hitting some of our favorite rides, as well as picking up some others that had small waits. We were really glad that we had this extra day to round out our Disney adventure, as there were a couple of things that we hadn’t had a chance to do that we really enjoyed.

Leaving the park was certainly a bittersweet experience for us, as we were sad that it had to end, but were certainly ready to be on our way home, since the last few days have been quite tiring.


Alice in Wonderland

  • Raymond: “I loved it again, and again, and again.”
  • Amelia: “I loved it. It was my favorite one.”
  • Mommy: “I was glad we got to do this one again since the kids loved it so much.”
  • Daddy: “I actually saw Alice this time. Mommy had to point her out to me though.”

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

  • Raymond: “I just loved it. I hit the bricks and train.”
  • Amelia: “I saw letters ‘Boom’, ‘Bang’, ‘Bam’. And the lights went off and on quick.”
  • Mommy: “Definitely wild, but fun.”
  • Daddy: “I really like watching Raymond drive Mr. Toad’s car, and he really loves crashing it into everything.”

Pinocchio’s Daring Journey

  • Daddy: “I liked it.”
  • Raymond: “Pinocchio was very nice. He danced with puppets.”
  • Amelia: “I saw him locked in a cage.”
  • Mommy: “One of the original rides and fun too.”

Snow White’s Scary Adventures

  • Mommy: “We managed to hit this both times before the crowds, it is a fun ride, but you have to get there early.”
  • Daddy: “Clever how the Wicked Stepmother turns into the old hag.”
  • Raymond: “I’m afraid of the Wicked Witch.”
  • Amelia: “I saw the Wicked Witch peek through the curtain. She saw me.”

Peter Pan’s Flight

  • Raymond: “Peter Pan fought the pirates.”
  • Amelia: “I loved the stars. I like it.”
  • Mommy: “Worth the wait.”
  • Daddy: “I really like that it is a suspended ride to give you the sensation of riding. I can certainly understand why it is one of the most popular Fantasyland rides.”

Grizzly River Run

  • Amelia: “I spun around and around and down a waterfall. The lady let us go twice.”
  • Mommy: “We were soaked since we went through this twice in a row.”
  • Daddy: “Since there were just four of us in our raft, instead of 8 like last time, there was more bounce, and we got soaked as a result. I like the water rides.”
  • Raymond: “Scary fun, because I went down, down a waterfall.”

Sun Wheel (Inner Gondola)

  • Daddy: “Ok, that was freaky… Ferris wheels are not supposed to swing that much.”
  • Raymond: “I was afraid to fall, but I didn’t.”
  • Amelia: “Freaky fun.”
  • Mommy: “Where are the seatbelts?”

Soarin’ Over California

  • Raymond: “I saw all the towns.”
  • Amelia: “Wow! It was amazing. We flew in the benches. I got to smell the pictures, and when I was waiting, I saw a real live picture of Amelia Earhardt.”
  • Mommy: “This is one we would have done again if we had had time.”
  • Daddy: “I’m soooo glad we didn’t miss this one. As a simulator ride, it runs circles around Star Tours.”

Tom Sawyer’s Island

  • Amelia: “There were dark, scary caves that I went in.”
  • Mommy: “I don’t remember ever doing this, it was so much fun!”
  • Daddy: “I enjoyed exploring all of the caves with the kids.”
  • Raymond: “I think it was fun to go through the caves, and the treehouse, and the woods.”

Pirates of the Carribean

  • Mommy: “Raymond finally decided to not shut his eyes and enjoyed it!”
  • Daddy: “I was glad to see Raymond enjoy it more, now that he knew what to expect.”
  • Amelia: “I went down waterfalls. Splash!”
  • Raymond: “I just loved it.”

Mickey’s House

  • Mommy: “I was surprised at how extensive this place was.”
  • Daddy: “Really cute setup.”
  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun. I watched a movie.”
  • Amelia: “Fun Mickey stuff.”

Goofy’s Bounce House

  • Amelia: “Didn’t go on there, because I went there once, and I didn’t feel like it.”
  • Mommy: “Raymond loves this place.”
  • Daddy: “I was glad Raymond was able to do this again.”
  • Raymond: “I jump by anywhere.”

Small World

  • Mommy: “I had to go on this one last time.”
  • Daddy: “The appropriate way to end our Disney adventure.”
  • Raymond: “It was the greatest day in the world.”
  • Amelia: “I liked it. The end.”

Highlight of the Day

  • Raymond: Alice in Wonderland
  • Amelia: Eating Cotton Candy
  • Mommy: Soaring over California
  • Daddy: Watching Raymond finally feeling comfortable at Disneyland

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Day 3 - Afternoon


Having finished up nearly every attraction that we wanted to do, we decided that the afternoon would be well spent enjoying some of the entertainment. Contrary to the way Disneyland used to operate, the logistics for watching the entertainment can be even more difficult than the rides. The wait time for entertainment can be much more excessive than even some of the worst rides. In fact, we spent most of the afternoon and evening watching two parades, one musical, and the fireworks. But, these are all so incredibly well done, that it was certainly worth the wait.

Afternoon Attractions

Parade of Dreams

  • Amelia: “There were floats and more floats. I saw three princesses on one float. That was probably because it was a ball float.”
  • Mommy: “Amazed by some of the acrobatics in it.”
  • Daddy: “I was glad that we got a curbside view right in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. All of the parade characters were so close!”
  • Raymond: “I just loved it.”


  • Mommy: “It was quite a production. It was longer than I thought it would be.”
  • Daddy: “The set was exquisite, the genie hilarious, and the music wonderful.”
  • Raymond: “I just loved to watch the gold lamp. I thought the genie was funny.”
  • Amelia: “I saw Aladdin the musical. It was very neat. There was even a flying carpet that really flew.”

Block Party Bash

  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun.”
  • Amelia: “I got to dance up in front. I saw the Incredibles”
  • Mommy: “I enjoyed watching Amelia dance.”
  • Daddy: “It was fun to watch Amelia dance, but the action, music, and colors were intensely busy. I felt like the kids were way overloaded afterwards.”

Star Tours

  • Raymond: “I still don’t think so.”
  • Amelia: “It was very neat. Good thing I went, because it refreshened my memories.”
  • Mommy: “Glad to give it a pass this time.”
  • Daddy: “It’s neat how they simulate the movement, but it didn’t do a whole lot for me.”

Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters

  • Daddy: “65,000 points… not bad… not bad at all!”
  • Raymond: “I shoot all the bad guys.”
  • Amelia: “It was fun again. It was really nice. I beat Mommy.”
  • Mommy: “Fun, but my aim was off.”

Remember… Dreams Come True

  • Raymond: “I got lots of fun.”
  • Amelia: “I saw Tinker Bell flying in the air. It was a real person.”
  • Mommy: “I enjoyed it better from the rooftop of our hotel last night.”
  • Daddy: “Tinker Bell didn’t fly on Monday night, so that was a special treat. It was every bit as exciting as it was the first time.”

Highlight of the afternoon

  • Raymond: Remember… Dreams Come True
  • Amelia: Shopping for souvenirs
  • Mommy: Aladdin
  • Daddy: Aladdin

Day 3 - Morning


We had another great morning at Disneyland. With just a few Disney rides remaining on our list, we were able to cover the entire park in just a couple of days, thanks to Ridemax. In fact, we did even much better than Ridemax said, so we got to do a couple of extra rides.

Morning Attractions

Alice in Wonderland

  • Raymond: “I loved it, and it’s kind of fun to hop on the caterpillar”
  • Amelia: “It was my favorite ride, because I like caterpillar.”
  • Mommy: “It was fun watching the kids enjoy it.”
  • Daddy: “Where was Alice? Amelia said she saw her, but I missed her altogether. I did enjoy that part of the track extended outside, instead of most of the dark rides at the park.”

Storybook Land Canal Boats

  • Daddy: “Very neat to see the miniature settings of some of the classic fairy tales.”
  • Raymond: “They’re kind of fun. I went in and out of the whale.”
  • Amelia: “Fun!”
  • Mommy: “Loved the miniatures.”

Casey Jr. Train Ride

  • Mommy: “Raymond seemed to really enjoy this ride.”
  • Daddy: “Great scenery! A very relaxing ride.”
  • Raymond: “The train went up and down the bump, and it went faster, but it’s slower.”
  • Amelia: “We went under a cave. It was fun.”

Haunted Mansion

  • Raymond: “Scary.”
  • Amelia: “It was fascinating. How’d they do all that?”
  • Mommy: “As fun as I remember.”
  • Daddy: “I just love this ride! Couldn’t wait to ride it again after all these years.”

Splash Mountain

  • Amelia: “We went down beneath the thorns. We splashed a big splash. It was fantastic.”
  • Mommy: “I loved all the Briar Rabbit scenery.”
  • Daddy: “I love the layout of this ride. It’s certainly my favorite contemporary Disneyland ride.”
  • Raymond: “I went down fast, and splashed under the pinchy bush today.”

The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

  • Daddy: “Very colorful and cute.”
  • Raymond: “I went by lots and lots of doors.”
  • Amelia: “Happy Birthday Pooh. We went in the Mr. Sanders car. I thought we were going to get gopher, but I was wrong.”
  • Mommy: “Another great one for kids.”

Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin

  • Raymond: “I crashed by toys and whatever.”
  • Amelia: “We spun around and around.”
  • Mommy: “Loud, but fun.”
  • Daddy: “Very busy with the colors and noises, but I like that you can spin the car as it rides down the track.”

Gadget’s Go Coaster

  • Amelia: “It was so fun. Older kids screamed, but I didn’t scream. I was brave.”
  • Mommy: “I thought it was fun.”
  • Daddy: “Very short, but a great ride to get little ones used to roller coasters.”
  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun, and we run faster.”

Goofy’s Bounce House

  • Mommy: “Cute set up.”
  • Daddy: “Looked like a lot of fun for the little ones. Even the furniture was blown up with air to make it bouncy too.”
  • Amelia: “I jumped up and down, up and down in the house. There was bouncy furniture. It was very, very fun.”
  • Raymond: “I crashed seats, lamps, fireplaces, and whatever.”

Playhouse Disney

  • Mommy: “It was fun to watch the kids interacting with the show.”
  • Daddy: “A fun full-stage puppet show for the kids to enjoy.”
  • Raymond: “I just loved to watch the movie.”
  • Amelia: “We flipped the pages in the playhouse book. There was Jojo’s Circus, Stanley, and Pooh Bear. It was fun.”

Highlight of the morning

  • Raymond: Goofy’s Bounce House
  • Amelia: Alice in Wonderland
  • Mommy: Splash Mountain and Storybook Land Canal Boats
  • Daddy: Haunted Mansion

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Day 2 - Afternoon


This afternoon, we went over to Disney’s California Adventure (DCA), the newest theme park in the Disneyland Resort, and went to Downtown Disney for lunch at the Rainforest Café. Downtown Disney is the Resort’s shopping and dining district, and the Rainforest Café was quite an experience. Complete with waterfalls, lush vegetation, thunder and lightning, the restaurant was very enjoyable. I can't remember ever taking pictures of the inside of a restaurant, but this one was certainly worthy of some space on our digital camera. The problem, however, was that it was such an experience, the kids were too distracted to eat their lunch.

We were really impressed with the layout of DCA, perhaps because we didn't know what to expect. One area looked just like a Hollywood filming lot. Another was made to look like a scenic Sierra river setting. The Bug's Life section of the park made everything look gigantic, to give the visitor the perspective of an insect.

Afternoon Attractions

Jumping Jellyfish

  • Mommy: “Great for young kids and very colorful.”
  • Daddy: “A nice kiddie ride. I was glad that Amelia and Raymond enjoyed it.”
  • Raymond: “I went up and down, up and down, up and down, faster. But it went slower.”
  • Amelia: “I went up and down in a jellyfish bench. I went high into the sky. It was fun.”

Sun Wheel

  • Amelia: “I went really high, so high I could see a ride we can’t ride, which is called California Screamin’. Again, it was scary fun… a little bit scary.”
  • Mommy: “Thank heavens we were on the non-swing gondolas. The others look pretty scary!”
  • Daddy: “This is one tall ferris wheel with some great views.”
  • Raymond: “I went up and down, up and down, up and down around, and it’s kind of fun.”

King Triton’s Carousel

  • Mommy: “It was so colorful and fun with the sea creatures to ride on.”
  • Daddy: “I liked how they made the organ look real.”
  • Raymond: “It rode slower.”
  • Amelia: “I went on the fish I wanted. It had lavender lipstick. It was fun.”

Mulholland Madness

  • Raymond: “It went faster and faster and faster.”
  • Amelia: “It went down really fast. It was scary fun.”
  • Mommy: “You really fly on this ride.”
  • Daddy: “The tight curves really freaked me out… I thought we’d fly right off the track!”

Grizzly River Run

  • Raymond: “It kind of scared. It went faster and faster and faster.”
  • Amelia: “It was fun. There was another family of four with us. We wanted them to go down backwards. It was cold fun.”
  • Mommy: “We got soaked and it felt great!”
  • Daddy: “I always love the wet rides… especially on a warm afternoon.”

Muppet Vision 3-D

  • Daddy: “I was impressed with how the walls of the theater would change their appearance, and how they integrated live muppets with the movie.
  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun. It popped out at me, and it can’t scare me.”
  • Amelia: “It was like Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, just funnier.”
  • Mommy: “Raymond was cracking up through the whole show. Very well done.”

Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train

  • Raymond: “It’s kind of fun.”
  • Amelia: “When I was waiting, there were big clovers. It felt like I was a small bug. I went in a bug train. It was fun.”
  • Mommy: “It is fun that they make everything oversized so that you look the size of a bug.”
  • Daddy: “Cast member Hannah was a bit too perky.”

Francis’ Ladybug Boogie

  • Mommy: “Barforama”
  • Daddy: “Did they really need another spinning ride?”
  • Raymond: “I spin around fast.”
  • Amelia: “It was like the Mad Tea Party, just with ladybugs. It was fun.”

Tuck ‘n Rolls Drive ‘em Buggies

  • Amelia: “I went in bumper bugs. It was fun.”
  • Mommy: “Amelia is quite the crazy driver and loved bumping into people.”
  • Daddy: “Fun to watch the kids drive around and bump into everything.”
  • Raymond: “It went bump, bump, bump, boom, crash. It went into the other bugs.”

Flik’s Flyers

  • Daddy: “Not cast member Hannah again!? Didn’t she star as Tour Guide Barbie in Toy Story 2?”
  • Raymond: “I picked the apple sauce box. It went round and round, high into the sky.”
  • Amelia: “I went in boxes. I flew around. It was fun.”
  • Mommy: “Cute ride, with cute details.”
Highlight of the afternoon

  • Raymond: Muppet Vision 3-D
  • Amelia: Grizzly River Run
  • Mommy: Muppet Vision 3-D
  • Daddy: Grizzly River Run

Day 2 - Morning


The second day of our Disney experience was probably the most aggressive of the trip. We used our Early Entry pass today, which means we were able to enter the park an hour early. That hour helped us take out a significant chunk of the Fantasyland rides in a small amount of time.

Morning Attractions

Matterhorn Bobsleds

  • Amelia: “I liked it. I splashed in the waves.”
  • Mommy: “I’m getting too old for this!”
  • Daddy: “The old time roller coasters are too jerky for my liking.”
  • Raymond: “I closed my eyes, because it’s very, very, very, very, very fast.”

Peter Pan’s Flight

  • Raymond: “It’s kind of fun, and I see everybody.”
  • Amelia: “I liked the stars.”
  • Mommy: “The sets are great!”
  • Daddy: “I was fascinated with the feeling of flying in space. I liked the suspended track concept to allow more viewing of the scene below.”

Pinocchio’s Daring Journey

  • Daddy: “I wish it went a little slower in order to take it all in.”
  • Raymond: “I went inside the cage, and it was locked, but it will open up.”
  • Amelia: “I liked it, I got to see the toy shop.”
  • Mommy: “Too bad they don’t have Pinocchio as a real boy at the end”

Snow White’s Scary Adventures

  • Mommy: “Where’s the happy ending?”
  • Daddy: “Again, it went a little bit too fast to take it all in. The wicked witch really scared Raymond, who closed his eyes and said, ‘are we out yet?’ each time the ugly hag appeared.”
  • Raymond: “She grabbed the apple, and gave it to Snow White and she fell asleep.”
  • Amelia: “I think it was fun. I got to see the wicked witch in a pot.”

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

  • Amelia: “I liked when it looked like we were going to crash into a train, but the train was really on top of us.”
  • Mommy: “It is fun that they make it look like you are going to crash into walls and trains.”
  • Daddy: “I was glad that Raymond enjoyed ‘driving’ his car… he was quite accurate in turning the steering wheel with the track.”
  • Raymond: “I crashed into a brick wall and trains.”

King Arthur Carrousel

  • Daddy: “I was really disappointed that the girl behind Amelia raced ahead of her to get to the golden horse.” [For the 50th anniversary, all of the ‘class of 1955’ rides have one golden object on it.]
  • Raymond: “It went faster and faster. Then it went slower and slower.”
  • Amelia: “We went round and round on horses. I didn’t get the golden horse.”
  • Mommy: “Nice and slow, just my speed.”


  • Raymond: “I go around fast. I went up and down.”
  • Amelia: “Again, I was disappointed that I didn’t get the gold elephant, but I was number 2.”
  • Mommy: “More spinning?”
  • Daddy: “Tickled my stomach every time Amelia let Dumbo drop.”

Small World

  • Amelia: “It was fun, I got to see all around the world.”
  • Mommy: “I love this ride, it is fun to see all the costumes.”
  • Daddy: “Neat to see the international effects. The tune gets really, really old by the end of the ride, though.”
  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun. I see everybody inside a small world.”


  • Mommy: “Raymond was having the time of his life driving the car.”
  • Daddy: “Letting Amelia take over the wheel was quite… um… exciting.”
  • Raymond: “It went faster, and I won.”
  • Amelia: “I got to drive a car. Daddy was with me, and Raymond went with Mommy.”

Highlight of the morning
  • Raymond: Autopia???
  • Amelia: Peter Pan’s Flight???
  • Mommy: Small World
  • Daddy: Peter Pan’s Flight

Monday, June 06, 2005

Day 1


Here we are at Disneyland, reporting on our first morning of activity at the Magic Kingdom. To maximize our time here, we decided to use Ridemax ( Ridemax is a massive online database of Disneyland wait times. You plug in the date and the attractions you want to hit, and Ridemax produces an optimal itinerary to minimize your wait time. We especially enjoyed passing people waiting in long lines, while we had no more than a 15 minute wait anywhere.

Morning Attractions

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

  • Raymond: “It was fun, but I closed my eyes because it went really, really fast.”
  • Amelia: “It went fast, it had lots of curves. I didn’t know that roller coasters would be so fun.”
  • Mommy: “It certainly was exciting.”
  • Daddy: “I hurled… just kidding. I had fun watching how excited the kids were on their first roller coaster.”

Astro Orbiter

  • Amelia: “It went around in the sky. It was fun. Daddy said he was almost going to hit his head on Saturn.”
  • Mommy: “It made me sick.
  • Daddy: “The centrifugal force was like... wow.”
  • Raymond: “It was really fun.”

Star Tours

  • Mommy: “Intense!”
  • Amelia: “It felt like I was going to crash, but again it was really fun.”
  • Raymond: “I don’t think so”
  • Daddy: “Chillin’ with Raymond, who said, ‘I don’t think so’ to the whole ride was enjoyable.”

Jungle Cruise

  • Daddy: “After the Star Tours trauma, it was nice to just take a cruise through the jungle.”
  • Raymond: “It was good and greatest.”
  • Amelia: “Daddy said that Captain Andrea was cute, but he deleted it. I like the animals, and you thought it was really cool.”
  • Mommy: “I liked the piranhas the best.”

Enchanted Tiki Room

  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun”
  • Amelia: “There were colored lights above the fountain that made it look like colored water.”
  • Mommy: “Brought back memories.”
  • Daddy: “Like Amelia, I thought the fountain was really neat.”

Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters

  • Raymond: “I killed all the bad guys. It was fun.”
  • Amelia: “Well, I’ll tell you how it worked. You get a laser gun, and try to shoot the letter ‘Z’ on all of the bad guys, and I achieved the rank of Space Ace”
  • Mommy: “
  • Daddy: “What a fun concept: making an interactive video game out of a ride! Earning the rank of Planetary Pilot with my 26000 points wasn’t bad either.

Honey, I Shrunk the Audience

  • Raymond: “Things stick out of the movie, and that’s scary.”
  • Amelia: “It was fun. Raymond says it sticks out at you because it’s 3-D. It was my favorite so far.”
  • Mommy: “Even though knew it wasn’t real, the mice freaked me out.”
  • Daddy: “The 3-D seemed so real, that I had to flinch a couple of times.”

Tarzan’s Treehouse

  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun, but the animal sounds scared me.”
  • Amelia: “We went across a rope bridge between two trees, and I tried to climb a rope. I thought it was a clever idea.”
  • Mommy: “I enjoyed the hands-on exhibits at the bottom.”
  • Daddy: “Some of the views up there were great, and the lush jungle setting was relaxing.”

Disneyland Railroad

  • Raymond: “It was fun.”
  • Amelia: “I liked the dinosaurs and the Grand Canyon. They both looked so real, even though they were just pictures.”
  • Mommy: “Even with a simple transportation system, Disney had to go all out on it.”
  • Daddy: “I was also surprised that there were some dark ride segments to it.”

Evening Attractions

Snow White: An Enchanted Musical

  • Amelia: “It was a really neat show. I liked it. The background moved, and the dwarves’ house spun around.”
  • Mommy: “It was great! I was really impressed with their set”
  • Daddy: “Remarkable! Much more of a professional production than I expected. I was particularly impressed with the magic mirror.”
  • Raymond: “It’s kind of good to watch.”

Mark Twain Riverboat

  • Mommy: “I loved the view.”
  • Daddy: “It was neat to see all the way around Tom Sawyer Island.”
  • Raymond: “I think it was great.”
  • Amelia: “I thought it was kind of boring.”

Pirates of the Caribbean

  • Daddy: “One of my favorite all-time Disney rides.”
  • Raymond: “When I got water on my clothes, I got all wet.”
  • Amelia: “It was amazing that it looked like you were outside when really you’re inside the whole time.”
  • Mommy: “One of my favorites.”

Mad Tea Party

  • Raymond: “I swirled around fast, and didn’t bump into other people.”
  • Amelia: “We went in a pink teacup, and it was already in the middle, and we spun around and around, felt like we were going to crash, when we really weren’t.”
  • Mommy: “I opted out on this ride.”
  • Daddy: “I should’ve opted out on this ride. I was certainly dizzy after the ride.”

Remember… Dreams Come True

  • Amelia: “The fireworks were really, really neat. They heated up Mommy and Daddy.”
  • Mommy: “My favorite ones were the happy face fireworks”
  • Daddy: “I was stunned to be inside of a ring of fireworks being shot off from all sides at the same time.”
  • Raymond: “It was kind of fun, and I’m tired.”

Highlight of the morning

  • Amelia: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
  • Mommy: Seeing the kids as they entered the park
  • Daddy: Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster
  • Raymond: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Highlight of the evening

  • Mommy: Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Daddy: Snow White: An Enchanted Musical
  • Raymond: Spinning on the Tea Cups
  • Amelia: Remember… Dreams Come True (Fireworks)